
RvdK Photography - Tips & Tricks


Nikon D800 and D800E video/movie tips & tricks

With over fifteen years of experience in shooting with Nikon equipment, I thought I knew quite a bit. Now video has entered my life and I can start all over again... The D800 is my first DSLR capable of shooting video and I am stunned by the quality it can deliver. Curious as I am, I've gathered lots of info on shooting video with the D800 and decided to share what I've found so far. Enjoy!

Available articles:

nikon d800 video tips

Coming soon:

  • Which autofocus modes are available during video?
  • How do I set exposure for video - differences with stills photography?
  • What is the best external monitor for the D800/D800E? About lilliputs, peaking filters and a zebra.
  • How do I enable remote control for video?

More to come, I'm learning new things every day. Drop me a line if you like! Questions & suggestions are welcome.

"A photograph is usually looked at, but seldom looked into." (Ansel Adams)
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